Knot Blocks (Reversed 8s)

Single lines, easy to set, joyful to climb up, a breeze to redirect, and a fuckin’ pain in the ass to anchor in the canopy. You can keep it ‘simple’ by choking the line, but that simplicity will bite you in the ass when it comes time to retrieve the damn thing. OK, OK, for some situations it works, I get it, I’m no anchor snob. Many choking options, different knots, choking hardware, yada yada yada. Non of them retrieve as easy as Knot Blocks.

Knot Blocking needs hardware but it allows the climber to manage retrieve friction. In doing so three things happen; less rope wear, less tree wear, less body wear. Less friction while retrieving pays dividends. Knot Blocking rules.

And who’d of known it, Knot Blocking two ropes makes retrieve easier than one.

Old techniques with a sprinkle of modern relevance.

Check it out…


Climbers Are Not Curious


Wyi, pt 1